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Road Trip Must Haves

Tiny chandelier, mattress topper, souvenir t-shirts, liquor, and a car sick dog

My mother, an RV, a cross-country move. What could go wrong?

29 – Are we in Twin Peaks?

29 – Are we in Twin Peaks?

You can’t see the graveyard across the road unless you’re at the entrance gate, but honestly, even that is picturesque. If I weren’t actually looking at it live and in person, I’d think it was a movie set for a film about a bunch of happy ghosts getting up to hilarious hijinks, or maybe a horror film. It’s just that suspiciously perfect.

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19 – Chapel of the Forgotten Dead

19 – Chapel of the Forgotten Dead

During the 12 hours or so that it takes for the RV tank to fill, I always scrub the windshield. And yet, no matter how often or how thoroughly I scrub in an attempt to get it clean-ish enough to see the road, a smeary layer of dead insects and bees and butterfly splats just builds up again.

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16 – My mother discovers online shopping

16 – My mother discovers online shopping

Mom has discovered a technological boon that surpasses even Internet access and video calling. She has discovered that the wild world of online shopping can be accessed by smart phone. The world may not be ready.

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