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9 – We arrive alive

We finally arrived in Sedona with everyone alive and more or less intact, but we learned a few things.

Did you ever wonder if the standard RV has a carbon monoxide detector? The answer is yes, yes it does. Which is a good thing. What with propane and generators and god knows what else going on, should carbon monoxide be detected you would be well advised to have a piercingly loud alarm that cannot be reset for 20 minutes to shriek at you and everyone within 1000 yards of you that something is seriously wrong.

But make sure you find the unobtrusive spot in which it has been hidden (you’ll probably have to crawl under a table set just high enough to crack your head on the bottom a couple of times in your haste to locate the alarm), because it is very important that no one, your well-meaning mother, for instance, ever, ever sprays aerosolized disinfectant cleaner anywhere near it. If some well-meaning person does so, it will, for some reason, firmly believe that there is a carbon monoxide emergency.

Also, some dogs get carsick. Poor Sophie. She waited until we stopped, but we missed the signs of incipient upheaval, and didn’t realize what was happening until it had already happened.


Also, also, a mid-size dog’s stomach can hold an astonishing amount of mostly water. And when your mother’s mid-size dog has puked astonishing amounts of mostly water all over the floor and you have spent half an hour mopping up, disinfecting and trying to silence the godawful alarm, and you’re sure everything is finally clean so you pour yourself and your mother a well-earned glass of wine, take it outside to finally relax in the lovely nature-filled surroundings, then feel sorry for the poor dog who is lying on the rocks so you go back inside to get the dog bed for the dog to lie down on, when you pick up that dog bed you will find the forgotten mother lode of dog puke.
You will then continue to find surprises for the rest of the evening. Generally by stepping in them.

Sedona, however, is absolutely beautiful. You should definitely visit.

Sedona river


  1. Diane

    And that is the reason Mom and I only take day trips that take less than 5 hours. (Sophie’s bladder has a 5hr limit)
    No dog= No puke
    My reaction to puke is to add to it!

  2. Ellen

    Omg, love this, and your perspective! Keep writing!


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